Monday, May 23, 2016

First AMD Summit Ridge Wafer Photo spotted

If you are into die photos like me, you'll certainly be excited about this one, which has been spotted by SemiAccurate's Thomas Ryan, when many (including me) didn't notice it while glancing over this particular slide (lower left corner):

Source: ComputerBase

It apparently shows Zen based Summit Ridge dies on a wafer and has been grabbed by ComputerBase, which published it in an article covering AMD's Annual Stockholder Meeting and some interesting updates in their Investor Presentation slidedeck.

Here is a zoomed variant:
One half of the die would look like this after some perspective correction:

There you can see one core complex with four cores and likely 8 MB of L3 cache.

The mentioned slidedeck in a somewhat older version also contained a rough comparison of the performance between Summit Ridge (8 Zen core variant) and Orochi (could be anything from Bulldozer based FX-81xx to Orochi revision C "Vishera", also known as FX-83xx with 8 cores). This has been changed to Excavator vs. Zen in the latest version of the slides, as linked above. I stitched both comparisons together: