Source: ComputerBase
It apparently shows Zen based Summit Ridge dies on a wafer and has been grabbed by ComputerBase, which published it in an article covering AMD's Annual Stockholder Meeting and some interesting updates in their Investor Presentation slidedeck.
Here is a zoomed variant:
One half of the die would look like this after some perspective correction:@Dresdenboy Okay, that would make sense. I attempted to make a better quality version of the wafer shot.— Thomas Ryan (@UncheckedError) 22. Mai 2016
There you can see one core complex with four cores and likely 8 MB of L3 cache.
The mentioned slidedeck in a somewhat older version also contained a rough comparison of the performance between Summit Ridge (8 Zen core variant) and Orochi (could be anything from Bulldozer based FX-81xx to Orochi revision C "Vishera", also known as FX-83xx with 8 cores). This has been changed to Excavator vs. Zen in the latest version of the slides, as linked above. I stitched both comparisons together: